On Easter Sunday while we were at Grandma Bubba's (Caseys parents house) I went in the back room to find Cru sitting on the floor and Casey getting his dads hair shaver out! I about had a heart attack. So, I talked Casey's sister Jackie in to cutting Cru's hair for us. Cru WAS NOT happy about it AT ALL! He was screaming and throwing a fit while Casey was holding him,

then I took him and had to sing the Wheels on the bus and distract him so Jackie could finish. She did a great job!

I must admit, he did need a cut, I was in denial but it was pretty long and splotchy. Now he can wear it normal or have a little fohawk like his dad! He looks quite handsome!

3 Love Notes:
It took me too long to decide my little guy needed a hair cut, too. Now he's had 5! Cru looks super cute:)
It's so hard to cut it! It makes them look so grown up and sophisticated lol He is adorable with his new cut though!
I swear he aged 3 months when you did that! Such a handsome little guy.
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