I wish I could stop time and keep you right where you are. Each day you get bigger. Each day you become a little more independent. Each day I love you more and more.
This last month has been one of my favorites.
When I get home from work you are usually playing in the living room. I say "HELLO!!!" and you very excitingly look up from what you are doing, raise your little eyebrows, start gibberishing and army crawling over to greet me. It melts my heart. I know you miss me when I am away, but we have TONS of fun when I get home!
You know the sound of the garage door and can hear it when daddy comes home. My favorite thing about you being in your highchair, feeding you dinner is when you will randomly lean forward so you can see the garage door to see if someone is coming inside, when he learn that no one is coming inside, you lean back and pierce your lips wondering where dad (or nana) is.
You are completely obsessed with the door stops. You will play with them forever. Yesterday, you managed to pull one off and put it in your mouth...I about had a heart attack.
Its almost impossible to get you dressed on the changing table, you are too curious to just lay there now.
You still love books and will turn the pages back and forth as I read them to you. One of my favorite things that you do...is lay on your tummy looking at the pictures, turning the pages by yourself as if you are really reading. Its so sweet.
You get excited to see people that you recognize. Some get a big smile, others a little grin or twisting of your hands (you do that when you get excited and have for about 5 months now).
Your love for the bath still stands too. One night, we played for 45 minutes and you would have loved to be in there longer. I think you will love swimming and being in the water your entire life...I knew it the first time we put your head under the running water in the hospital and you closed your eyes and enjoyed every second of it.

You are completely fascinated with the laptop and power cords. Wherever I put the dang thing, you find it!You love sitting on the front porch with me waiting for dad to come home, wrapped up in a big cozy blanket.
You love music. If the TV is on and a song comes on, you will stop whatever you are doing and just stare at the TV.
You melt my heart by reaching out to me. It reassures me, that you really do want me to hold you.
You love music. If the TV is on and a song comes on, you will stop whatever you are doing and just stare at the TV.
You melt my heart by reaching out to me. It reassures me, that you really do want me to hold you.
Oh, and you and dad, wrestle on the bed...he guys roll all over the place, he tosses you up and down and you think it is hysterical.
You seriously have made my life so much sweeter. We cant imagine not having you with us and sharing our life with you.