" I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe that LOVING is the best calorie burner. I believe kissing. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." ~Audrey Hepburn

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cru and the Christmas Tree

Casey and I started putting Cru in timeout about a month ago. As he is only 16 months old we decided we would start with one thing and as he learned not to do it, to move on to something else. SOOOOO, the first thing we started with was to put him in time out everytime he threw something down the stairs (it started putting dings in the wall). After about 3 days of telling him "no" and putting him time out, he stopped.
The 2nd thing we put him in time out for was twisting the knobs on the stove - that took about a week.
The 3rd thing was the Christmas Tree.
Casey and I went back and forth on this one - I wanted him to be allowed to touch the tree. He thinks it is SO magical and is so fascinated with it when the lights are on. So it is really hard for me to put him in timeout for it. But, Caseys point was that he didnt want him to touch 'other peoples' trees and break something of theirs. He had a good point, so I agreed (im still sad about it). Anyway...So everytime Cru touches the tree we give him a warning "Cru, dont touch the Christmas tree." and if he touches it again, we go over kneal down, point our finger at the tree and say "no no". Then we pick him up and put him in time out for 45 seconds. Well on Thursday, I did this with him ALL DAY! After about the 11th time I went in the kitchen and started doing dishes, and not to my surprise he dashed over to the tree and started touching it. I said "Cru, please dont touch the Christmas Tree", he looked over at me and then turned to the tree, put out his finger and said "No, No!" and then RAN to timeout and sat there for like 20 seconds!!! It was hilarious!!!
Obviously, he thinks timout is worth touching the Christmas Tree! So funny!
The good news is - he doesnt touch anyone elses' Tree!

5 Love Notes:

Hollie said...

Kids are so funny. At least he's picking what's worth serving timeout for. Sorry for traumatizing you with my mouse story. It was gross, but cathartic to write it. :)

Amylee said...

The kid I babysit pulled down my Christmas tree (He's 11 months old) and broke a TON of ornaments. Plus it's dangerous- so it's definitely a good thing for time out.

Funny story! They are so smart and understand so much more than we give them credit for.

Erin Downs said...

What a funny little stink.... what exactly do you do when they put themselves in time out lol Ethan does it all the time! Ha sometimes he just prefers to go to his room? lol little stinkers!

Summer said...

Baha- that is so cute! I've just started time out with Kael, but he screams bloody murder if I close the door to the room, and runs right back out if I leave it open. It's been the same with all of my kids... I'm mystified how people keep their kids in time out when they are so little! The soonest it has ever started really working for me was 2 yrs old! That's awesome that's it's already working with him!

Katie Hodgkiss said...