I feel like this sweet little man has always been a part of my life. But I swear everyday he changes so much.
Cru is such a good baby. I still don't think Casey knows how good we have it (or maybe I am naive and really just have no idea).
4 Month stats:
Weight: 14 pounds 11 oz - 50%
Height: 26.5 inches - 90%
Head: 17 inches - 85%
The past month Cru has still been enjoying the same things he always has:
- Car rides
- Bath time
- Going to bed
But he has learned some new things too:
- Rollin over! For about a week he would just go from his tummy to his back, but last week he goes, tummy to back to tummy to back. He gets really proud of himself when he goes back to his back and loves it when we start clapping and cheering him on.
- How to grab absolutely everything and stick it in his mouth.
- Pull on my hair. It is the first thing he goes for EVERY time I pick him up.
- Talking to his 'Liger' in his pack n play - he seriously will just lay in that thing forever talking to her, its so cute.
- He loves eating rice cereal off a spoon. He took it like a champ in fact! He watches the spoon get the rice cereal and make its way back to his mouth, he opens wide and doesn't spit a thing out. He loved it. However, yesterday the doc just told me to put it in his bottle for now, till he is eating more.
- Family prayers. He lays there and coos the entire time and tries to put his feet on dads face.
Here are some pics from Monday November 29th, his actual 4 month mark -
1 week ago
9 Love Notes:
He is so stinkin' cute!
He is a cutie! It is amazing how quickly they learn. I can't believe he is that old already.
What a cutie! You look amazing! I have been doing pushups and situps, too. It's a great way to get some quick work done...and sometimes I do them next to Isaac's crib when he's trying to go back to sleep. ;)
OH MY GOSH!!! He could possibly be the cuttest freaking little boy I have ever seen! I love him and I can't believe he is alreay 4 months!! Where did the time go?
What a stud muffin he is :)
Love Cru! So yummy--luscious!
Oh, I LOVE these!!! That one in the box is hilareous- I love it. :)
SOOO cute! I had to take 5 minutes and get all caught up on your blog! Very cute family picture!! U look awesome... so i dont know what u are talking about!! And I am so sad he got RSV! So scary!! What a champ th0ough! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!
Hey! U are so funny! I use an inch (maybe 1 1/4) round curling iron. Then it just falls out through out the day. It's usually too curly in the morning, but by afternoon it's perfect! Actually... I have to admit something. That hair was from the night before. It was so crazy I got up Christmas morning and we never made it back home!! HA! Anyways... it stays! Thanks for your well wishes!! You're so sweet!
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