You know, I always knew I was going to be an anal over protective mother. I have always been overprotective of those that I love - but when there is a 'little' man who relies on me to help him grow big and strong, I'm even worse. I have hand sanitizer attached to my diaper bag and won't let a soul touch Cru until they've sanitized. We don't take Cru to church in fear of him getting sick by another child whose mother "has to go to church" and puts the rest of us at risk. He practically sweatss every time I take him into the cold weather because of how bundled he is. I wake up multiple times a night, just to check on him...the list goes on. Cru has been sleeping through the night for about 2 months now, two weeks ago, he started getting really restless and kept waking up. I would go into his room and attempt to give him his binky, but everytime I put in in his mouth, he sounded like darth vador from how congested he was. I though he was getting a cold...So...I took him in that morning to the doctor. They first told me the poor babe has ear infections. I was a little upset and taken back just because I 'heard' that nursed babies usually dont get their first ear infection till you stip nursing - guess you can't beliece everything you read. We started talking about how congested he was and the Doc said he wanted to test him for RSV "OK", I replied...I wasn't prepared for the awkwardness they were about to put my baby through. They had to stick a q-tip type thing about 3 inches up his 1 inch nose for a nasal swab test. I was by myself. The nurse came in and told me to lay him on my lap and to hold his head., and if I didnt "hold it good enough that the swab could go too far up and really hurt him" - great. I started preparing myself for his high screeched pain cry, the same one he let out when he got his two month shots...but to my surprise, he didn't make a sound. I was shocked. When the nurse was done, he scrunched his eyebrows together and gave me this VERY dissatisfied a "are you kidding me" or a "why the hell did you just let her do that to me" or a "you just sat there and watched her" - Whatever it was, I must admit, his facial expression was pretty funny. But, not a tear shed. The Nurse told me that he was the first baby she had ever done that to that didnt make a peep! She was quite impressed.
20 minutes later, the Doc came in and told me my baby has RSV. My heart sunk. Seriously? What does this mean, what do I need to do? I was scared. I knew that was something that people seroiusly fear and my baby had it.
Cru slept in our bedroom in his little bed for a week, any peep he made had me on my heels. The last thing the Doc said to me before we left his office that day was that he will stip breathing, turn blue, start crying and then pink up again...doesnt that sound lovely?
We took Cru in almost everyday the past 2 weeks to get him checked. We were told that we caught it early (day 2 to be exact) babies ears are now infection free, he doesnt have anything in his lungs and he is sounding SOOOO good! We didnt have to hospitalize him, he wasnt able to be on any meds for it because of how young he is, we sunctioned he little nose like Nazis and had the humidifier on full blast...he made it through like a champ!
1 week ago
9 Love Notes:
I'm glad he made it through and it wasn't too bad. Sorry I've been meaning to call and check up, but I'm lazy I gues.
I am so sorry! Tucker got RSV as a baby too. I slept in a chair with him upright on me at night. It was horrible. I am so glad Cru made it through...
I have never been an anal mom so I guess either way our kids get sick?
They sent Maddox home from the NICU knowing that his heart and breathing was still stopping. It was horrible. He went blue on me several times. I am sorry you had to go through that. I just think that isn't something moms should have to go through.
Sorry to hear Cru got RSV! I am anal like you...except for the church part, our callings don't allow us to miss:(
About family pics, I think we'll have to wait for the spring to get them done, but I definitely want you to take them so I'll let you know when we're ready:)
Oh I'm sorry you've been dealing with all that. Deacon had to be in the hospital when he was 2 months old for a respiratory virus and gets ear infections whenever someone with a cold comes around I swear. So we are way anal about germs/sickness around here. I'm so glad Cru is doing better now- I hate the breathing stuff and having to just worry about them.
At least your new-mommy protectiveness came in really handy for this, huh? That's awesome you got him to the doc so fast. So sorry you guys had to go through that, though!
I always hate their first big sickness. Great job catching it so fast! I hope it is the only sickness he gets all winter!
I'm so glad he made it through! I hear you on all of those mommy concerns I am right up there with you!
I am so happy he is better, but sad that I haven't been able to watch him. Miss that little Cru. :)
Poor little man :( and poor you! Your such a great mommy! Glad he is all better and its all thanks to you for being so on top of it!
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