July 29th 2010
Casey and I went in for our 40.5 week Doctors appointment. To both of our surprise - I was still barely dilated to a "1" and 60% effaced. Not quite the news we thought we would get. However, my blood pressure was high and I was more swollen then normal, so Dr. Barton sent us down to labor Delivery to run some tests on both Cru and I.
Sweet little Cru was looking good - however, I was dumping protein in my urine and because of my high blood pressure, it started to effect one of my kidneys.
After 3 hours worth of tests, the nurse came in and asked "How do you feel about delivering your baby today?" I was little shocked. My response was, "That would be great, but I'm a little scared". She then went on to tell me that if we wait any longer, that I would get even sicker and as a result of that, our baby would get sick as well.
After talking it over with Casey we obviously decided it was smarter to get me started and deliver our baby sooner than later.
So off we went to our delivery room...Room #7 (my lucky number)
They started me on patocin at about 12:30 in the afternoon, every 30 minutes they would up my dose.
Once my dosage was up to 16 my doctor came down and checked me again. He said I was still a "1" and hadn't changed one bit. He then tried to break my water...that was not fun!!! HE TRIED to break it!!! Cru's head wasn't even in my pelvis yet so he couldn't reach it.
After being on Patocin for 12 hours at the highest dosage - I was checked again, still dilated to a 1. They put me on a different med that does the same thing as patocin, it just makes your contractions much greater. You are only allowed 3 dosages of it every 3 hours. So after 9 more hours I was checked one last time - and I was still at a "1" and 60% effaced. That's when my doctor informed me that we would be having a C-section.
I was scared to death. I didn't read up on cesareans so I wasn't prepared. 30 minutes later we were off to the Operating Room.
Casey looked hilarious in white body suit.
The anesthesiologist, was a nice guy. He walked me through what he was going to do to give me my epidural. I felt like it would be pretty easy. However, I totally started crying after because I was so scared. Casey was so sweet with me the whole time telling me how strong I was being and how amazing he thinks I am. He held my hand the entire time.
I could see the 'incision' in the big round lights shinning brightly down on my incision. After about 3 minutes of watching, I started wigging out a bit, so I had to stop. I think the worst part though, was feeling my body go numb. That was awful and disgusting.
Then after only about 10 minutes the anesthesiologist told Casey he could stand up and look over the blue sheet as they were about to pull our baby boy out. He looked at me and smiled, then stood up. His eyes welled up with tears and got all red like they do when he is about to cry - and then I heard the most beautiful sound, the sound of our baby crying. It was beautiful!
I have been in love with this little boy the minute I read "pregnant" on my 'pee stick'. I have loved this little boy's father ever since my sophomore year in high school. But I have NEVER loved either one of them more, then I did at this moment.
1 week ago
15 Love Notes:
CONGRATULATIONS! I was so happy to hear that you had him from Nancy! He looks like such a cutie! I hope you have a good recovery. I can't wait to see more pictures!
Congratulations! Motherhood is the most amazing thing ever. I know everyone says it and it sounds so cheesy...but it's true! Can't wait to see more pictures of your baby boy!
He's such a cutie! I'm glad everyone is healthy and safe! :) Congratulations you guys!!!
Congratulations! I felt the same way when I was told I was going to have a c-section. I was not prepared, either, but hearing your little guy cry for the first time is the MOST amazing thing:) Hope you and Cru are doing well, can't wait to meet him!
You are one strong lady! That many hours of labor and then surgery. You are already Super Mom. Congratulations on the beautiful boy! I can't wait to see more pictures of him.
Congrats! This made me cry. Needless to say now that I am pregnant, most happy things make me cry, but especially anything to do with babies =) I am so happy for you and I am Glad You and Cru are healthy!
Oh, that's so great! I'm glad he's here and everything went okay! I had to do the same thing, well almost, on my first, and I am so thankful we live now and c-sections aren't as scary as they once were!
Congrats, he's way cute!
Congrats congrats!!! What a cute little guy! I am glad to hear all went well!
Im so excited/happy for you guys! I love his cute little chubby face! And what a stubborn little stinker, he must have been pretty comfy in there lol ;) Congrats you guys!
What a cute boy! I'm so happy he's out of your tummy, even if it wasn't the way you planned. Love to all three of you.
Sorry about the unexpected delivery... glad he is here though anyway he had to come. That happened to Robin. She went overdue, had to be induced and then after 24 hours of nothing happening she had a c-section. She was able to push Ms. Julia out after that so there is some hope.
I am really glad you and Cru are healthy. We do want more pictures.
*Oh- I wish I hadn't known about c-sections. Someone told me when I was 5 months pregnant with Tucker that they would tie my arms down to the table. I was freaking out about it until he was born.
Congrats! Love you guys.
Congrats Shelby! Sorry things didn't go quite as planned, but as you know, it doesn't matter HOW they get here, as long as they GET HERE SAFE. He looks cute! Can't wait to see more pictures. Best of luck to you in the coming weeks.
so beautiful! I love your blog..:)
check me out!beautyflowover.blogspot.com
Awe! What a crazy story! The outcome is even greater! So happy for you Shelbs and your cute family!!!!
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