Casey was positive the baby was a boy, I was pretty certain it was a girl, but kept going back and forth. How fun it would be to buy big bows and boots and leggings. But deep down inside after all the cutesiness pushed aside I thought it was boy.
However, at my 12 week appt, Baby V only had 8 fingers and little stub legs, so I really didn’t care if Baby V decided on being a boy or a girl, I was the typical mother-to-be and wanted to make sure the baby had the rest of her/his fingers and that the little stub legs stuck out a little more than last time.
Casey and I anxiously sat in the room waiting for the Dr to come in…he walked in with the ‘Doppler’ and asked, “Did you just want to hear the heartbeat or did you want to do an ultrasound?” shocked, I answered “I am hoping you can tell me the sex of our baby today” – he started laughing and said “I knew that’s what you’d say!”
We went to the ‘high tech’ machine and it was fascinating. Baby V was asleep with her/his hands stretched up above his head, SO CUTE! There they were, 10 little fingers! I must mention that Baby V was also being very shy…legs crossed and then tucked under and wouldn’t wake up. Dr. Barton thought he saw a quick peek of an ‘extra part’ and then quickly said, “however, that may have been the umbilical cord” – That didn’t do us any good! After about 15 minutes of nudging Baby V around we checked the heartbeat and called it good. We knew we had a healthy baby growing rapidly and that’s all that mattered. Until…we got in the car….
We talked about it for a minute and then decided that there was NO WAY that we were going to wait another 4 weeks to know if Baby V was a boy or girl – so we took a pit stop at Fetal Fotos…they were booked, except for RIGHT THEN, so we didn’t have time to call family to come join us or anything. I am pretty sad about that – I would have loved for my mom to be there with me. Anyway, in we went.
Baby V was still sleeping but this “OBGYN from Europe” promised me that I would walk out knowing what the sex was. He wanted to tell us first thing, but he was having trouble waking the baby up so he did some measuring first…but Ill come back to that.
The ‘Dr.’ started pushing the little ultrasound thingy up and down on my tummy, it made the baby look like she/he was on a raft in the ocean, still no budge. Then he took his finger and very aggressively started pushing up and down on my tummy, it kind of took me by surprise….but the funniest thing happened – Baby V pulled all her/his arms and legs really tightly in and leaned back like he was on a lounger, then with all the might baby had, started kicking both legs against where the tech was poking him…it was hilarious! I laugh every time I think about it.
And then there it was…
The tech didnt even have to say it out loud, both Casey and I knew EXACTLY what that was! Casey right then said "That's my boy!!!" He is very proud.
I love this picture because it is the EXACT same position he was in with my 12 week ultrasound with his hands up on his face.
Can you see his cute little foot?
Here we are measuring the baby. A 'typical' 16 week old baby measure between 4.5 and 5 inches...Baby V...was measuring 7 inches! And, I know I dont change my due date based solely alone on what ‘Fetal Fotos’ says – but this guy told us he is measuring at least a week bigger and put the estimated delivery date to July 17th – my birthday.
I love this one! -
So there you have it...we are having a little boy!!! I was a little shocked at first, even expecting a little boy. But once I was actually told thats what he was, I got a little scared. But after we got home and I started daydreaming about this little one - The excitment settled in and I am so excited to bring him home with us!
1 week ago
14 Love Notes:
Yay for healthy babies! I love ultrasound pictures. Once you have a baby, you can easily see what you are looking at in the pictures. I'm super glad we had a boy first. Every girl needs a big brother. So, have you thought of any names you like?
Congratulations! That is exciting. I wouldn't have been able to wait either.
Congrats!! I am so excited for you guys! He is gonna be so cute!!
Oh so cool!!! Congratulations you guys!!
(I'm due the day after you- but we don't have our ultrasound until the 25th. I can't waaaaait.)
Oh so cool!!! Congratulations you guys!!
(I'm due the day after you- but we don't have our ultrasound until the 25th. I can't waaaaait.)
Some people have no restraint :)
So excited for a baby boy.... but what are you going to name him? I know you mentioned you were naming him after Casey's idol, but I don't know who that is!
Congratulations! You can now use Casey's hero's name! I still have yet to find out what that is.
We told everyone what we were having for a Christmas present by showing them the ultrasound movie. I totally gave it away, "There's HIS little arm." Before they all actually saw for themselves that it was a HE.
Little boys are soooo fun! You will love it!
OHHHH YEAH! Little boys are stinkin fun :) Im so happy for you guys!
I should have just looked on here! LOL.. Awesome Rachelle! I'm sooo excited for you two!
YAY! YAY! YAY!! Congrats!! I am excited for you, and esp Casey!! That is so much fun!
Yay! So exciting! I was just like you when I had Kohen. I wanted a girl so bad, but in the back of my mind I knew it was going to be a boy. I was so nervous to have a boy...but he turned out to be such a fun and amazing little guy! You will LOVE having a boy! They are so fun and so sweet! I have noticed that boys are more concerned with impressing thier moms than girls are :)! Congrats guys!
YAY for boys. Although I still cannot decipher anything in ultrasounds.
Oh Rachelle Congrats sweetie! You are going to love having a boy..they are so fun. Isn't the best to know the sex, you feel that much more connected to them. Now you can start getting the nursery ready! I am so happy for you and Casey!
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