" I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe that LOVING is the best calorie burner. I believe kissing. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." ~Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I am such a sucker for Halloween and Christmas décor it is ridiculous! However, being the shopaholic that I am, I am pleased to announce that I only bought 2 new things for this Halloween season…I’m totally proud of myself can you tell? And, I absolutely LOVE the set up.
Anyway, I have reached that point here at my ripe age of 26, to not buy things I really don’t need and to not horde things away in boxes. Currently, my mother is cleaning out her attic – every time I see her (which is at least 3 times a week) I get a new box of things that is “supposedly” my things. However, many of the things she is giving to me to take are items she once filled her own home with, things that have meaning, things that belong at “Mom’s house” – how do you say no to those things? Hmmm…I did good on Sunday though…I went through 2 boxes and only kept about half of a box worth. Once again, I am proud of myself. Now all I see, are tons of memory filled boxes filling my unfinished basement and the thought of “what the crap am I going to do with all this stuff when we start finishing our basement?” is now filling my head. Wish me luck as I start de-cluttering my basement and garage I am sure to need it.

6 Love Notes:

Erin said...

De-cluttering is such a good feeling though. Lately I've been able to sell quite a few things on ebay and ksl.com, so that makes it even easier!

Summer said...

"Restraint" was the perfect title for this post. Love it. Here's wishing you luck!!

Hollie said...

Good luck. I hate getting the desire to de-clutter, but once it starts it feels so good.

Lauren said...

Haha! I totally hear you! I need help with having better restraint. The sad things is I will admit... I already bought a Christmas item! Ah! I was at Costco and they had there fake trees out already! I have always wanted one but they are always sold out by the time I get around to buying one! Becca was confused, and asked me "isn't it Halloween time mom"?

The Downs Family said...

The best time to declutter is when you move. Its probably the best thing about moving you get to clean out and get rid of all of your crap! I wish you luck with your decluttering experience!

me said...

How I wish I could be there to help. People actually call me and ask me to assist them with this. Usually they do not like me by the time it is over though so maybe it is best that I not come. I am a nazi when it comes to junk. I was helping on of my friends and she said, "You aren't as nice as I thought you were." BUT we did get rid of a lot- not as much as I would have liked but people can be funny about things.