The 4th of July is by far my favorite holiday, it never ceases to diappointment me! This year marked our 1 year anniversary in our new home! I am so glad we moved into this house. We have the best neighbors and have made some of the sweetest friends!
Our community does a huge 4th of July BBQ and Movie and had set up some different activites for the kids to do...Casey and I only hung out for about 45 minutes with Candice and Jeff and my two favorite kiddos in the whole world, Addison and Raegan and then went home to kick off our own BBQ with my family!
Casey and I.
We had a seriously good BBQ! Nothing better than Burgers and too many side dishes!
This picture is more for you to see what our backyard looked like in July(well, you cant really tell - Its pure dirt and a bunch of weeds...Casey is making some serious progress on it, we hope to have the backyard done by the end of the month! to come!
After we ate, we headed down to Thanksgiving Point and enjoyed qute the impressive firework show! And, it was SOOOO long!
My family!
Our good friends Candice and Jeff with Raegan (Im pretty sure Addison was loving on Casey at this moment)
Bruce, Alyssa and Zea playing the "Belly Laugh" game.
Dad, Mom and Alyssa.
1 week ago
2 Love Notes:
Fun!! I miss Thanksgiving Point!! I'm excited to see your new yard picks- for some reason, seeing landscaping that I didn't have to do is really entertaining. ;D
Shelbs- your hair looks AWESOME!
Your mom and Mark look so good too. I was laughing at the fireworks picture- Mark holding tightly to his beloved Pepsi.
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