More for me than anything... But someone suggested that I make a list of things just about me before our baby comes...we are 4 weeks out, so I decided now was a good time to complete it!
100 things about me.
1. Me least favorite day of the year is Day light savings in the spring…there is nothing worse than losing a hour of sleep and than waking up when it is still dark outside.
2. I am completely obsessed with MEK jeans.
3. If someone is wearing a pair of name brand shoes – like, Jessica Simpsons, BCBG, Steve Maddens, Guess, Chinese Laundry, Anne Klein ect…I can tell you what brand they are just by looking at them.
4. I will not eat at a place that I come out smelling like it.
5. I have known my husband since I was 9.
6. My first real kiss was in the back of my bishops van at a ward campout.
7. I never ‘snuck’ out of the house without asking permission from my mom.
8. Once a month I get a pedicure – I love the look and feel of freshly painted nails.
9. If I had an extra $40 a week to spend on myself, I would spend it getting pampered.
10. I LOVE plain cheerios that I can douse in Sugar!
11. I get a thrill from cleaning and organizing.
12. I love photography and capturing sweet intimate moments between family members.
13. My favorite snack is Edamames and I eat them everyday at work.
14. Casey purposed at our favorite “get away spot” and the place we use to go to “make out” at in High School – The Draper Rodeo Grounds.
15. My favorite day of the week is Saturday mornings, Casey makes me breakfast in bed and then we snuggle up and watch a movie.
16. I graduated with a degree in Behavioral Science.
17. My favorite holiday is the 4th of July.
18. I look forward to the joys, blessings and trials of motherhood
19. I dream of the day where I get to stay home with my kids, be the room mother and actually enjoy the time I cook.
20. I would rather pay a hefty price for a shirt I love, that I know will last, than get 3 cheaply made ones for the price I paid for that 1.
21. I dream of capturing beautiful pictures of my little ones.
22. I love the look on my honey’s face when we see each other after a long day apart.
23. I love that I can ask my dad ANYTHING and he always knows the answer!
24. I played soccer at Southern Utah University.
25. I’m never “on time” – I’m either extremely early or late.
26. I really enjoy ‘entertaining’ our family and friends at our home.
27. I get sick to my stomach thinking about being away from my husband for more than a day.
28. My mother is truly my best friend.
29. I love to decorate.
30. I love shopping for little kid shoes (My soon to be son, always has 12 pairs)
31. If you had to buy me a present and didn’t know what to get me – I would tell you a gift card to Buckle.
32. I can multi-task like nobody’s business!
33. I absolutely LOVE to learn new things. And cant wait to learn how to quilt as good as my mom.
34. I enjoy making and dropping off “desserts of the month” to my neighbors to let them know someone was thinking of them. Especially those we meet for the first time doing so.
35. Of our tour of Europe starting in Rome, ending in London and visiting every country in between, Switzerland would be my choice of home.
36. I could eat a banana, peanut butter protein shake for breakfast everyday and not get sick of it.
37. I love laying on the floor with a blanket atop of me over the heater.
38. My favorite candy is pop-rocks.
39. I seriously have the littlest bladder and I wake up 3 times a night to go to the bathroom after not drinking anything past 8 o’clock. Its quite annoying. (even when I am not pregnant)
40. My best time at Computer Solitaire is 42 seconds – my dad and I have competitions, his best time is 62 seconds.
41. I take pride in beating my Aunt Renee in any game known to man…and if I’m not around, then shell win. Sorry Auntie Nae, you know its true!
42. I had never had stitches until I was 19 when I had to have my appendix removed.
43. Some of my dream jobs include: a criminal profiler, a lawyer or a Medical Examiner
44. If money allowed, I would go to school the rest of my life.
45. I had a goat named Lewis.
46. My choice of beverage is a Dr. Pepper with a lime.
47. I have never drank alcohol or smoked a cigarette.
48. I served a LDS mission in Lubbock Texas and truly found out who I was and wanted to become.
49. I knew I was going to marry Casey since my Junior year in high school.
50. I would rather hang out with my husband than go out with anyone else.
51. I have ‘swam’ with a shark.
52. I could sleep 12 hours a night if time allowed.
53. I love making desserts.
54. Family road trips are one of my best memories growing up.
55. I absolutely hate using public restrooms.
56. I know what my husband is thinking by his ‘eye’ expressions.
57. I believe a true a friend is one that doesn’t judge you and one that you could honestly share your darkest secret with and it would never leave their lips.
58. I was born three weeks late and had the brightest red hair.
59. I honestly think that my husband has the BEST butt ever!!!
60. Ever seem Tombstone? My dream would be to live on room service.
61. I bite my nails.
62. I hate brushing my teeth at night.
63. I am completely spoiled rotten by my husband.
64. I believe that my mother has done every aspect of parenting absolutely perfect.
65. I think woman who have confidence are the most beautiful.
66. I can remember how I thought and viewed the world when I was a child.
67. I was born in Irving, Texas and moved to Utah when I was 9.
68. I married my soul mate.
69. I truly believe that if something is meant to be, it will happen.
70. I am an awful speller.
71. I go by my middle name.
72. I currently have 49 pairs of shoes in my closet.
73. My first ‘boyfriend’ was Efrian. He kissed me behind a wall in our Shady Hollow neighborhood when we were 7. And I still remember to this day my Aunt Patti making fun of us and me running to my bunk crying because I was so embarrassed.
74. The old man across the way growing up, called me Strawberry Shortcake.
75. I believe in life after death.
76. I am amazingly good at Sudoku puzzles.
77. In high school I got my belly pierced at some nasty place in Vegas over Spring Break. Each of my girl friends pierced something different.
78. Casey and I have been to Cancun 3 times and seriously know the best places to go.
79. I love slow dancing. I think it is romantic. – In high school, Casey took me to a park and we blasted our favorite song from the car while slow dancing under the stars next to the swing set.
80. I believe a person’s spirituality is a private thing and just because they believe something different, doesn’t make them any different.
81. I was a seriously a BOY Scout. My mom was in charge of all that growing up, so I took an active part.
82. My parents thought I FOR SURE was a boy before my arrival. My crib even said “Matthew” on its end. My name would have been “Matthew Ryan Mayo”.
83. I honestly think that anything bad that could happen to anyone, that my mother has been through it.
84. I have never had the chicken pox.
85. I think going to a baseball game is relaxing.
86. I have been punched in the face by girl.
87. I honestly think, that the most amazing person I have met…is my little sister.
88. I am my mother’s favorite child.
89. I can do multiple back flips in a row on the trampoline.
90. I worked as a pizza delivery driver for 2 weeks at college and made enough just from tips to pay for my books and housing for the next semester so I quit.
91. I danced with Steve Young when I was like 14 at his pre wedding party for maybe 45 seconds (my mom worked with his fiancés father…they never did get married).
92. I think plain milk is disgusting.
93. I cannot take a shower that is less than 15 minutes.
94. I currently have over $300 dollars worth of gift cards in my wallet.
95. I would rather read than watch TV.
96. I have kept a book of baby names I like since 9th grade.
97. My idea of the perfect vacation involves a beach and some serious roller-coasters.
98. My first car was a 1977 Mercury Cougar – it was hideous…but I was the first to drive between all my friends, so we had fun.
99. I believe that goal setting is essential to becoming who you want to be and to accomplish even the little things in life.
100. When my husband grabs my hand to hold it, I still feel as giddy as I did the first time he did it in 10th grade.
1 week ago