Hey ladies...so I need some help from as many of you as possible!!! For those of you that don't know, I became a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant a couple of months ago and am currently working on going on target for my car (not the pink Caddy if you were wondering) but my new challenge is to do a before and after on 100 people in 100 days. So if you are willing to help me out leave a note, email me at rvanwagoner@marykay.com or call me. It will only take like 30 minutes and you dont have to buy a thing - YOURE DOING ME A FAVOR!!! Plus, it is always just fun to get a makeover. Also, if you know anyone else that would be willing to join you, that would be great too!!! The more the better! Thanks to those of you who have already let me do a before and after on you or who have thrown/are throwing a party! I really appreciate it!!!
3 days ago